Employee Retention Strategies of Hotel Industries in the Philippines Amidst the Pandemic


  • John Paul Galang University of Saint Louis
  • John Jay Pablo University of Saint Louis
  • Quennie Melad University of Saint Louis
  • Gemilu Ann Tamaray University of Saint Louis
  • Rizza Velasco University of Saint Louis
  • Karen Joy Catacutan University of Saint Louis




Covid-19, Employees, Hotel Industries, Hospitality Industry, Retention Strategies


This study aimed to determine the strategies of accredited hotel industries in retaining their employees amidst the pandemic in Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines. A quantitative research design employing descriptive research method was used in the study. The respondents of the study were the human resource manager or hotel owner of each accredited hotels in Tuguegarao City using a questionnaire. The findings of the study confirm that fourteen (14) strategies are fully employed in the five accredited hotels. However, the strategy concerning about the remuneration of employees even if there is a reduction in their total salary due to the limited working scheme set by the government is employed.


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How to Cite

Galang, J. P., Pablo, J. J., Melad, Q., Tamaray, G. A., Velasco, R., & Catacutan, K. J. (2023). Employee Retention Strategies of Hotel Industries in the Philippines Amidst the Pandemic . Asian Journal of Applied Business and Management, 2(1), 79–98. https://doi.org/10.55927/ajabm.v2i1.3114