Optimizing Regulations in the Code of Ethics for Students: A Case Study of a SMKN in Palangkaraya City


  • Sarah Priskila Eksely IAKN Palangkaraya
  • Yuli Handriani IAKN Palangkaraya
  • Sharmila IAKN Palangkaraya
  • Veny Marselina IAKN Palangkaraya
  • Tania IAKN Palangkaraya




Obedience Dilemma, Discipline and Disciplining, Code of Ethics and Professionalism, Christian Religious Education


This study aims to optimize the regulations in the code of ethics carried out by students at one of the SMKNs in Palangka Raya City. In addition, the research aims to determine the level of discipline and efforts to improve student discipline in obeying school rules at SMK. Then, giving sanctions to students who commit violations is a motivating factor for students to always instill discipline. This study used a qualitative approach in collecting data using observation, interviews and documentaries. The results of the study show that student discipline is good enough, but efforts still need to be made to improve it because various violations of student discipline still exist even though they are only minor violations.


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How to Cite

Eksely, S. P., Handriani, Y., Sharmila, Marselina, V., & Tania. (2023). Optimizing Regulations in the Code of Ethics for Students: A Case Study of a SMKN in Palangkaraya City. Asian Journal of Applied Education (AJAE), 2(1), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.55927/ajae.v2i1.2166