Development of Microlearning-Based and Problem-Solving Infused English Reading Materials for Non-English Major: a Needs Analysis


  • Bontisesari Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Ratna Dewanti Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Siti Drivoka Sulistyaningrum Universitas Negeri Jakarta



English Reading, Microlearning, Needs Analysis, Non-English Major, Problem-Solving


This study aimed to analyse the English reading materials currently used by non-English major students and evaluate the extent to which they incorporate microlearning and problem-solving skills. The study was conducted at a public university in Bogor, Indonesia. The research utilized qualitative content analysis to examine a set of existing learning materials, consisting of a coursebook, PowerPoint slides, explainer videos, and infographics. Interviews with five English instructors were also conducted to explore the needs of learning materials further. The findings reveal a gap between the current materials and the descriptors of microlearning and problem-solving. Therefore, it indicates an urgency of developing new English reading materials that promote problem-solving and incorporate microlearning to facilitate the needs of non-English major students better.


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How to Cite

Bontisesari, Dewanti, R., & Sulistyaningrum, S. D. (2023). Development of Microlearning-Based and Problem-Solving Infused English Reading Materials for Non-English Major: a Needs Analysis. Asian Journal of Applied Education (AJAE), 2(2), 189–206.


