Asian Journal of Applied Education (AJAE) <p><strong>Asian Journal of Applied Education (AJAE)</strong> is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal published by Formosa Publisher that provides a platform for unpublished articles on contemporary educational issues. It encourages debate, both theoretical and practical, on a wide range of topics representing various interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary, and trans-disciplinary interests. <strong>AJAE</strong> is interested in attracting submissions that exhibit innovative diverse research paradigms, methods, and approaches. The Journal seeks to arouse readers’ interest and stimulate debate on education and transformation with respect to education in its broadest sense, and to be accessible to the wide readership of the education community. <strong>AJAE</strong> publishes articles quarterly in January, April, July, and October.</p> PT FORMOSA CENDEKIA GLOBAL en-US Asian Journal of Applied Education (AJAE) 2963-5241 Development of Digital Comic "Putri Andam Dewi" Using Medibang <p style="text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-ideograph;">The purpose of this research is to create a digital comic based on the folklore "Putri Andam Dewi" and describe the results using Medibang. The creation method used involves stages described based on Richey and Klein's theory, namely planning, production, and evaluation. The research data consists of direct quotations from the folklore "Putri Andam Dewi", which is taken from the source, namely the folktale written by Bunga Rampai Cerita Folklore Tapteng. The result of this research is a digital comic titled "Putri Andam Dewi" in Germany, which consists of several pages. An evaluation of this digital comic shows that it gets an overall score of 90, signifying excellent quality.</p> Dian Atikah Surya Masniari Hutagalung Copyright (c) 2024 Dian Atikah, Surya Masniari Hutagalung 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 3 3 279 288 10.55927/ajae.v3i3.10091 The Central Role of the Family in Educating and Shaping Children's Honesty <p>This study examines the role of the family in shaping children's honesty through moral education full of compassion. The method used is a literature review, which involves literature analysis related to the role of the family in moral education and character development of children. The results of the study show that families that create a warm and supportive environment have a significant impact on the formation of children's character. Honesty instilled by parents through daily examples and examples has been proven to have a long-term positive effect. Children who grow up in a supportive environment and get direct examples from parents regarding the values of honesty tend to be honest and trustworthy individuals. The conclusion of this study emphasizes the importance of the role of the family in educating children's honesty. Parents' consistency in showing honesty in daily life is effective in shaping the character of children who are moral and reliable in the future.</p> Rustida Sianipar Samuel Herman Copyright (c) 2024 Rustida Sianipar, Samuel Herman 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 3 3 333 346 10.55927/ajae.v3i3.9061 Analysis of Intrinsic Elements in New Prose From Gudrun and Susan Ray <p>The purpose of this study is to analyze the intrinsic elements of Gudrun and Susan Ray's latest prose. This paper is a literary research that uses a descriptive qualitative method. The data of this study refers to intrinsic elements. The source of data for this research is present-day prose by Gudrun and Susan Ray. The results of the study show that intrinsic elements are inherent in the theory of structuralism. Using Marquass theory, the intrinsic elements are categorized into 4, namely plot, characters, setting, point of view. Based on this study, the author recommends that the results of the analysis of intrinsic elements can be applied in the current literature courses, especially to enrich the curriculum related to literature. This can help increase understanding and appreciation in the Contemporary Literature course.</p> Emiya Endima Tarigan Ahmad Bengar Harahap Copyright (c) 2024 Emiya Endima Tarigan, Ahmad Bengar Harahap 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 3 3 253 278 10.55927/ajae.v3i3.9706 Semiotic Analysis of Traditional Food from Simalungun <p>This study aims to analyze the meanings and symbols of Simalungun Traditional Food. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method with Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic analysis, where signs are divided into 3 aspects of representation, object, and interpretation. Data collection was carried out through literature studies and in-depth interviews with resource persons from the Simalungun community, more precisely in Upper Simalungun. Based on the results of the research, interviews and literature were analyzed in a structured manner. The results of the study show that Simalungun traditional food contains many deep meanings such as hopes and advice to its recipients, especially traditional food, traditional food in Simalungun plays a very important role in Simalungun traditional events. Although not all of the traditional food is used as traditional food, the traditional food also has a very deep meaning that is more attached to the history of the struggle for survival of the ancestors of Simalungun. Every meaning implied in the food is very positive and good. This can help to increase understanding and appreciation of local cultural heritage, which in turn can support the development of inclusive and sustainable multicultural education.</p> Angel Tamaro Sijabat Ahmad Bengar Harahap Copyright (c) 2024 Angel Tamaro Sijabat, Ahmad Bengar Harahap 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 3 3 225 242 10.55927/ajae.v3i3.9704 Leadership Support for School Principals: Strategies for the Implementation of the Kurikulum Merdeka <p>The formulation of this thesis problem is how to obtain the Assistance of the Principal in implementing the <em>Kurikulum Merdeka</em> at 154 Palembang State Elementary School. The results of the study show that the Assistance carried out by the Principal in implementing the <em>Kurikulum Merdeka</em> at the 154 Palembang State Elementary School, has been carried out well. However, it is only in the early stages, namely in the stage of the Independent Learning pathway, in other words, that the educational unit has applied several principles of the <em>Kurikulum Merdeka</em> in the implementation of learning and assessment but still uses the curriculum of the academic unit that is currently implemented, namely Curriculum 13. Thus, the Principal's Assistance in implementing the <em>Kurikulum Merdeka</em> at 154 Palembang State Elementary School has been implemented. However, the implementation has yet to be fully implemented on the Independent Change and Sharing pathway.</p> Suarka Suarka Edi Harapan Meilia Rosani Copyright (c) 2024 Suarka Suarka, Edi Harapan, Meilia Rosani 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 3 3 307 322 10.55927/ajae.v3i3.10313 Analysis of Slang in the Film "Isi & Ossi" <p>The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the language of slang in the film "Isi &amp; Ossi" by Oliver Kienle. This paper is a literature study that uses a qualitative descriptive method with the help of the language characteristics of young people according to Helmut Henne. The data of this research is in the form of sentences taken from the subtitles of the film "Isi &amp; Ossi" by Oliver Kienle. This research was conducted in the language laboratory of the Department of Foreign Languages, State University of Medan. Based on Henne's theory, 30 young people's slang were found in the film.</p> Vanessa Amanda Siregar Copyright (c) 2024 Vanessa Amanda Siregar 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 3 3 211 224 10.55927/ajae.v3i3.9131 Analysis of the Translation Technique of German Humor Text into Indonesian Language on the Subtitle of the Film "Army Of Thieves" <p>This study aims to describe the translation of humorous texts from German to Indonesian Language in the movie "Army Of Thieves". The research on this translation uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. This study uses the theory of Molina and Albir (2002) which consists of 18 translation techniques. The conclusion of this study is that the group translation techniques used in this study such as single technique, pair technique, triple technique, and quartet technique. Of the four types of translation techniques, the pairing technique is the most commonly used to create equivalence in the text. The pairing technique was used in 11 sentences (84.62%). Other translation techniques are the triple technique of 1 sentence (7.69%) and the quartet technique of 1 sentence (7.69%).</p> Laras Asih Copyright (c) 2024 Laras Asih 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 3 3 289 306 10.55927/ajae.v3i3.10092 The Influence of Parents' Influence on the Development of Religious and Oral Religions of Children 5-6 Years in Sentang Village, Asahan Regency <p>This study aims to determine the influence of people's parenting style on the development of religious and moral values of children aged 5-6 years in Sentang Village. This type of research is conducted using a comparative causal design. The population in the study was 305 parents and 305 children, then the sample of this study used a non-probability sampling technique, which is a technique that does not provide the same opportunity to each sample member. The sample of this study is 30 children aged 5-6 years in Sentang Village. The data was obtained by observation techniques using questionnaire instrument sheets and observation sheets. Technique Data analysis uses parametric statistics with simple linear regression. The results of the test showed that parenting style had a significant influence on the development of children's religious values and morals. The results of the simple linear regression hypothesis test of 1,721 &gt; 1,706 (authoritarian), 2,884 &gt; 1,706 (democratic), -2,025 &lt; 1706 (permissive) proved that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence on the parenting style of people (authoritarian, democratic, and permissive) on the development of religious and moral values of children aged 5-6 years in Sentang Village, Asahan Regency. Based on the results, the study suggests that parents can apply democratic parenting to improve the development of religious values and morals of children aged 5-6 years.</p> Vivi Chairunisa Anita Yus Copyright (c) 2024 Vivi Chairunisa, Anita Yus 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 3 3 359 370 10.55927/ajae.v3i3.9129 The Influence of Locus of Control, Smartphone Use, and Parents Social Support Towards Academic Procrastination in Vocational School at Bekasi City for The Academic Year 2023/2024 <p>This study aims to determine the influence of locus of control, smartphone use, and parents’ social support on academic procrastination among vocational school students majoring in accounting and finance institution in Bekasi City. This study uses a quantitative method with a questionnaire instrument. The population of this study was tenth-grade vocational school students majoring in accounting and finance institution in Bekasi City with an affordable population of 309 students. The sampling technique for this study was probability sampling using the proportionate stratified random sampling method and obtained a sample of 174 respondents. The analysis methods for this study are validity test, reliability test, data description analysis, prerequisite tests analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, and hypothesis test analysis (t-test, F-test, and coefficient of determination test). The results of this study show that (1) locus of control has a negative and significant effect on academic procrastination, (2) smartphone use has a positive and significant effect on academic procrastination, (3) parent’s social support has a negative and significant effect on academic procrastination, and (4) locus of control, smartphone use, and parent’s social support simultaneously have a significant effect on academic procrastination.</p> Gusti Muazarah Putriwangi Ati Sumiati Achmad Fauzi Copyright (c) 2024 Gusti Muazarah Putriwangi, Ati Sumiati, Achmad Fauzi 2024-07-10 2024-07-10 3 3 167 180 10.55927/ajae.v3i3.10065 Development of Website-Based Learning Media in Grammatics Course A1 <p>The purpose of this study is to find out the difficulties faced by class C 2023 students of the German Language Study Program, State University of Medan, in learning Germany using web-based learning media for the A1 Grammar course. This paper is a literature study that uses a quantitative descriptive method with the theory of Richey and Klein 2009. The data of this research is in the form of material taken from the book "Textbook for Learning Germany Grammar" by Ahmad Sahat Pardamean, Tanti Kurnia Sari and Siti Kudriyah (2018), the Germany grammar exercise book by Dreyer and Schmitt (2019) and the Grundstufen-Grammatic book by Monika Reimann (2010). This research was conducted in the language laboratory of the Department of Foreign Languages, State University of Medan. The results of the study show that web-based learning media for Grammatics A1 courses with preposition topics with accusation can be used by teachers and students when learning Germany.</p> Indah Surya Cerah Marpaung Suci Pujiastuti Copyright (c) 2024 Indah Surya Cerah Marpaung, Suci Pujiastuti 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 3 3 243 252 10.55927/ajae.v3i3.9705 Description Regarding the Influence of Teacher Qualifications and Competence on Early Childhood Learning Achievement <p>This research examines the impact of teacher qualifications and competencies on children's academic achievement in Early Childhood Education (ECE) schools. Using quantitative methods, data were collected from 100 children in ten ECE schools. Teacher qualifications were evaluated based on formal education and training, while competencies were assessed through evaluations and feedback. Children's academic achievements were measured using academic and socio-emotional development assessments. Results show a significant positive correlation between teacher qualifications and competencies and children's achievements. Teachers with higher qualifications and better competencies have students with higher academic and socio-emotional achievements. The study highlights that interpersonal competencies, such as communication skills and empathy, greatly impact children's socio-emotional development, while academic qualifications more strongly influence academic outcomes.</p> Wuri Astiwi Deny Hadi Siswanto Handika Suryatama Copyright (c) 2024 Wuri Astiwi, Deny Hadi Siswanto, Handika Suryatama 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 3 3 347 358 10.55927/ajae.v3i3.10360 Vocabulary Improvement for Language Learner: A Challenge and Perceptions <p>English language education at the college student level is an important aspect of global higher education today. However, college students face various challenges that affect the effectiveness of English language learning. This research aims to find out the various challenges experienced by students to master English in an academic environment. Ten students enrolled in the D3 Hospitality study program for the third semester were interviewed for this study, which was carried out utilizing qualitative methodologies. The results revealed a number of challenges experienced by students in learning English such as difficulty understanding the material, complicated grammar pronounced and difficult to remember, lack of vocabulary mastered, differences between writing and pronunciation of English and feeling less confident when speaking English. The study also identified several strategies that can help address these challenges in hopes of improving English learning outcomes at the Polytechnics.</p> Yuliana Yuliana Ariya Agustin Evi Agustinasari Muhammad Bambang Purwanto Copyright (c) 2024 Yuliana Yuliana, Ariya Agustin, Evi Agustinasari, Muhammad Bambang Purwanto 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 3 3 323 332 10.55927/ajae.v3i3.9324 The Influence of Self-Efficacy, Vocational Training, and Career Guidance Towards Work-Readiness among Twelfth-Grade Vocational School Students Majoring in Accounting and Finance Institution in Bekasi City <p>This study aims to determine the influence of self-efficacy, vocational training, and career guidance on work-readiness among twelfth-grade vocational school students majoring in accounting and finance institution in Bekasi City. This study uses a quantitative method with a questionnaire instrument. The population of this study was twelfth-grade vocational school students majoring in accounting and finance institution in Bekasi City with an affordable population of 313 students. The results of this study show that (1) self-efficacy has a positive and significant effect on work-readiness, (2) vocational training has a positive and significant effect on work-readiness, (3) career guidance has a positive and significant effect on work-readiness, and (4) self-efficacy, vocational training, and career guidance simultaneously have a significant effect on work-readiness.</p> Suci Ramadhan Ati Sumiati Sri Zulaihati Copyright (c) 2024 Suci Ramadhan, Ati Sumiati, Sri Zulaihati 2024-07-22 2024-07-22 3 3 181 194 10.55927/ajae.v3i3.10223 Development of Learning Media Through Bookwidgets for A1 Vocabulary <p>The purpose of this study is to create learning media with the help of Bookwidgets for A1 level vocabulary. This research is a development research, the method used in this study is qualitative descriptive and uses Richey and Klein's theory, which consists of three phases, namely: 1) planning, 2) production, 3) evaluation. The data of this research was obtained from the vocabulary on the theme, Guten Appetit" in the book Netzwerk neu A1 Kursbuch from pages 44 to 54. The vocabulary cited on the theme is nouns, verbs, and adjectives. This research was conducted at the Foreign Language Laboratory, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan. The learning media was created with the help of the Bookwidgets web platform. The result of the creation of the media is a learning medium for learning Germany vocabulary, which consists of learning materials and exercises. Learning materials and media are validated by experts, namely material experts and media experts. The validation results on learning materials and media were 95. With this, it can be said that learning materials and media are good and suitable to be used as vocabulary learning media.</p> Amanda Putri Ayu Gayatri Hafniati Hafniati Copyright (c) 2024 Amanda Putri Ayu Gayatri, Hafniati Hafniati 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 3 3 195 210 n 10.55927/ajae.v3i3.9130