Development of Telang Flower Management for PKK Empowerment at Perum Puri Cempaka Putih 1 RT 04 RW 05 Malang City Guan Economic Improvement
Telang Flowers, Counseling, TrainingAbstract
Butterfly pea flower (Clitoria Ternatea) is a vine that can be planted in the yard of the house or yard. The method used in implementing this program is a learning by doing system with the help of teaching media in the form of material modules. The counseling technique was carried out by gathering several residents in one of the local residents' houses and giving them an explanation in a direct approach. Considering that the provision of funds for butterfly pea flower cultivation and community empowerment activities has not been optimal, this community service program focuses more on introducing butterfly pea flowers for their benefits and management.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Artiyani A, Roostrianawaty N, Dwiratna C , Andjar S , Ibrahim M
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