Identifying Opportunities and Threats of Tourism Destinations in Pancuran 13 and Curug Serwiti, Guci Tegal, Central Java


  • Muafi Muafi Dosen Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Siti Nursyamsiah Dosen Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Anas Hidayat Dosen Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Rahajeng Arundati Mahasiswa Doktor Manajemen Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Rava Fernanda Purnama Mahasiswa Doktor Manajemen Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Ria Eka Sabellah Mahasiswa Doktor Manajemen Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Yonada Andestari Mahasiswa Doktor Manajemen Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Suhada Suhada Mahasiswa Doktor Manajemen Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Karima Tamara Mahasiswa Doktor Manajemen Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Sofia Yustiani Mahasiswa Doktor Manajemen Universitas Islam Indonesia
  • Adrienn Veisz Széchenyi István University of Győr
  • Barbara Huszár Széchenyi István University of Győr



Training, Tourism Potential, Analysis of Opportunities, Threats, Policy Recommendations


This community service activity aims to identify opportunities and challenges for the Curug Serwiti tourist park in Guci Tegal, Central Java. As tourist destinations, Pancuran 13 and Curug Serwiti are managed by Berkah Tirta Guci, a village-owned enterprise. The focus of activities is directed at identifying opportunities and threats in developing these two destinations. This community service activity have been carried out well, which are indicated by: (1) the number of participants and SMEs involved was 100%, (2) increased knowledge and insight related to village-owned enterprise management, especially in managing tourist destinations, (3) gained knowledge related to motivation endeavor, (4) publication in scientific journals to identify opportunities and threats as well as provide policy recommendations.


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How to Cite

Muafi, M., Nursyamsiah, S., Hidayat, A., Arundati, R., Purnama, R. F., Sabellah, R. E., Andestari, Y., Suhada, S., Tamara, K., Yustiani, S., Veisz, A., & Huszár, B. (2024). Identifying Opportunities and Threats of Tourism Destinations in Pancuran 13 and Curug Serwiti, Guci Tegal, Central Java. Asian Journal of Community Services, 3(1), 99–106.