Maritime Vaccination Attack Operation to the Communities of South Kalimantan Jointly in Banjarmasin


  • Kamsariaty Kamsariaty Akademi Maritim Nusantara Banjarmasin



Maritime, Vaccination, Health


Based on the background behind the Team Program Devotion Community (PKM) Nusantara Maritime Academy Banjarmasin is one of the institutions that engaged in the field of helpful commercial and port shipping management education to solve problems faced by College Buddhist Bodhicitta Medan with the title PKM: "Socialization and Covid-19 Vaccination for Educating Staff As well as Education In Nusantara Maritime Academy Banjarmasin. Based analysis situation That has been displayed. So formulation problem on PKM is: How method give an understanding of the importance of vaccination against COVID-19 in the period pandemic moment How is this give COVID-19 vaccination during the pandemic for teaching and education staff in College Banjarmasin Nusantara Maritime Academy.


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How to Cite

Kamsariaty, K. (2024). Maritime Vaccination Attack Operation to the Communities of South Kalimantan Jointly in Banjarmasin. Asian Journal of Community Services, 3(1), 189–196.