The Effect of Reward Policy and Work Motivation on Employee Performance at PT Natura Nuswantara Nirmala


  • Annisa Frisca Fauziah Universitas Pamulang
  • Nafiisah Adhanurrizqi Universitas Pamulang
  • Tanri Rekatami Universitas Pamulang
  • Harizul Arpan Universitas Pamulang
  • Riagung Saputra Universitas Pamulang



Awards, Work Motivation, Employee Performance


Based on the results of the analysis carried out in this study, the results show that awards have a significant effect on the performance of employees of PT. Natura Nuswantara Nirmala with the results indicated by a significance value of t of 0.025 which is smaller than a = 0.05 (0.025 <0.05) with a regression coefficient of 0.343. Work motivation has a significant effect on the performance of employees of PT. Natura Nuswantara Nirmala with results indicated by a significance value of t of 0.000 which is smaller than a = 0.05 (0.013 <0.05) with a regression coefficient of 0.535. Appreciation and work motivation simultaneously have a significant effect on the performance of employees of PT. Natura Nuswantara Nirmala with results indicated by a significance value of F of 0.000 less than a = 0.05 (0.000 <0.05) and is able to contribute to the employee performance variable of 0.800 or 80%. The remaining 20% ​​is influenced by other variables not listed and examined in this study.


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How to Cite

Fauziah, A. F., Adhanurrizqi, N. ., Rekatami, T. ., Arpan, H. ., & Saputra, R. . (2023). The Effect of Reward Policy and Work Motivation on Employee Performance at PT Natura Nuswantara Nirmala. Asian Journal of Management Analytics, 2(3), 311–322.


