Designing Solar Panel System to Supply Synthesis of Micro-algae Micro-sample Using Lamp and Aerator
Solar Panel, Synthesis of Micro-Algae, Light Lamp, AeratorAbstract
This research has goal to design a method of micro-algae micro-sample synthesis by using lamp light and aerator sourced on solar panel. This system designed to generate an optimal controlled habitat in the process making micro-algae micro-sample. This system gives a new idea to related habitat variables and qualitative results of micro-algae that synergy to green technology. To create an artificial habitat with lamp light sourced on PV that enough to supply energy belong the synthesis. Solar Energy is produced by the Sunlight is a non-vanishing renewable source of energy which is free from eco-friendly. The highest intensity of sunlight occurs at 10.30-15.30 with the value of the intensity of sunlight is 80.000-122.000 lumen. Temperature of water medium monitored is about 26,4o-28,4oC and biomass is 3 mg/l. Based on this result can find conclusion that solar panel can supply lamp and aerator to support synthesis of micro-algae micro-sample.
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Copyright (c) 2024 I Gede Suputra Widharma, Ketut Sumadi, I Nengah Sunaya, I Made Sajayasa, I Gde Nyoman Sangka, AAM Dewi Anggreni
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