Smart Baby Sleeping Bag (Double SB): Internet-Based Baby Bed of Things (IoT) as an Effort to Control During a Pandemic


  • Seleni Cassanova Ong Zhejiang University of Science and Technology
  • Gita Faroka Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Elisabeth Delyan Immanuela Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Nida Rihadatul Aisy Nahdah Universitas Negeri Semarang



Infants, Working Parents, Sensors, IoT, Bluetooth


Double SB is a baby bed designed based on the Internet of Things (IoT). The use of IoT aims to analyze the design and work mechanism as well as the role of the Smart Baby Sleeping Bag (Double SB) as a control measure for working parents. The Smart Baby Sleeping Bag (Double SB) is made to detect babies when they cry and wet themselves. In the long term, the Smart Baby Sleeping Bag (Double SB) can assist the government in digitizing and increasing the productivity of the community. Furthermore, this innovation is also able to help parents to monitor their babies in real time, minimize the occurrence of diaper rash in babies, and increase baby's intelligence.


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How to Cite

Ong , S. C. ., Faroka, G., Immanuela , E. D. ., & Nahdah , N. R. A. . (2023). Smart Baby Sleeping Bag (Double SB): Internet-Based Baby Bed of Things (IoT) as an Effort to Control During a Pandemic. Asian Journal of Natural Sciences, 2(1), 35–46.