To Investigate the Correlation Between the Socioeconomic Status and Cardiometabolic Associated Risk Indicator Among Middle Aged Adults in Selected Sub-Counties in Kisumu County in Nyanza Region in Kenya


  • Barasa M Ambrose Department of Physiology Uzima university-Kenya
  • Cherop Doreen Department of Clinical Medicine and Community Health Kampala International University Western Campus
  • G.R Neel Department of Clinical Medicine and Community Health Kampala International University Western Campus
  • Mercyline Natasha Aluoch department of Zoology Maseno University Kenya
  • Aziz Katabazi Department of Microbiology King Ceaser University Kampala
  • Eilu Emmanuel department of Microbiology Kampala International University Western Campus



Correlations, Cardiometabolic, Economics, Indicators, Kenya


The prevalence of Cardio- metabolic associated risk indicators are known to vary significantly across the world (Huh et al., 2019). Study design. This was a cross-sectional quantitative study on correlation between socioeconomic and cardio metabolic associated risk indicators among Residents in selected sub counties in Kisumu county Nyanza region in Kenya. It involved the determination of five indicators of cardio metabolic disorders, which included; general obesity (BMI), central obesity (waist: hip ratio), blood pressure (SBP and DBP), dyslipidemia (Lipid profile) among the residents. Results. Our study showed a strong association between BMI, WC and hypertension in the study population. These findings are in agreement with other studies that also reported an association between hypertension and prehypertension, BMI and WC as well as diabetes (hypertension 19.4%, obesity 44%, hyperglycemia 21.8% and dyslipidemia 14.9%)


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How to Cite

Ambrose, B. M. ., Doreen, C. ., Neel, G., Aluoch, M. N. ., Katabazi, A. ., & Emmanuel, E. . (2023). To Investigate the Correlation Between the Socioeconomic Status and Cardiometabolic Associated Risk Indicator Among Middle Aged Adults in Selected Sub-Counties in Kisumu County in Nyanza Region in Kenya. Asian Journal of Natural Sciences, 2(3), 139–152.


