The Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works (DARMA) is focused and committed to enhancing social work practices, research, and education. Therefore, the journal addresses current issues, challenges, and responses facing social work practice and education globally. The journal invites debates and the development of innovations in social work practices and their implications for social work research and education. The Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works (DARMA) seeks to publish empirical, conceptual, and theoretical articles that make substantial contributions to the field in all areas of social work including community service practices, community organization, social administration, social policy, planning, and program evaluation. The journal publishes articles 6 times a year (February, April, June, August, October, and December).
DARMA has been widely indexed and listed by:
1. Google Scholar, 2. GARUDA 3. Dimensions, 4. Directory of Research Journals Indexing, 5.CrossRef, 6. BASE (Bielefeld academic search engine), 7. SCILIT, 8. WORLDCAT, 9. ResearchBible, 10. ROOT Indexing, 11.Semantic Scholar 12.Fatcat, 13.IUPUI Libraries, 14.Sherpa/Romeo, 15. Citefactor, 16. Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI) 17. Global Inndex for Continuing Resources