Practical Workshop on How to Build Attendance Applications with jQuery, JavaScript and AJAX


  • Adnan Buyung Nasution Program Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Potensi Utama, Medan
  • M. Taufiq Rustam Program Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Potensi Utama, Medan



Community Service, Training, Bootstrap, Website, Technological Skills


This journal discusses the experience of conducting a community service workshop focused on creating an attendance application using modern web technologies such as jQuery, JavaScript, and AJAX. The primary objective of this workshop is to provide comprehensive understanding to participants about the utilization of modern web technologies in developing practical applications for attendance management. The workshop is designed with an emphasis on a hands-on approach, encouraging participants to be actively engaged in the entire process of creating the attendance application, from the planning phase to implementation. In this workshop, participants will be provided with in-depth guidance on the fundamental concepts of jQuery, JavaScript, and AJAX, as well as how to synergistically integrate them in application development. They will learn how to optimize user interface interactions with web elements through the use of jQuery, and how to implement asynchronous aspects with AJAX to enrich user experience with dynamic interactions. The workshop will also underscore the importance of good interface design in ensuring the usability and aesthetics of the application. In addition to gaining theoretical understanding, participants will be actively involved in the practical stages of building the attendance application.


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How to Cite

Adnan Buyung Nasution, & M. Taufiq Rustam. (2023). Practical Workshop on How to Build Attendance Applications with jQuery, JavaScript and AJAX. Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works, 2(3), 165–172.


