Edison Hotaguan Manurung, ML. Saragih, Abdul Mubarok, Andri Waskito, Kerlima Hutagaol, Agung Setyawan, Siti Retno Fatmawati, Ahmad Fajar Maulana, Fandi Dwi Hermawan, Imron Natalius Panjaitan, Muhammad Nasheer Amri. The Role of Real Work Lectures to Build Villages Towards Dignified Destinations (Case study of Engineering Students at Mpu Tantular University KKN 2022) RT 02, RW 04, Kampung Lame Village, Sukasari Village, Rumpin District, Bogor Regency, West Java Province. DARMA [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];1(1):29-36. Available from: https://journal.formosapublisher.org/index.php/darma/article/view/2832