The Relationship between Family Support for Elderly and Visits to The Integrated Service Post in The Working Area of Waena Health Center, Jayapura City


  • Merry Yanti Makaba Cenderawasih University
  • Novita Medyati Cenderawasih University
  • Sarce Makaba Cenderawasih University



Family Support, Elderly, Integrated Service Post, Posyandu


This study focuses on discussing the relationship of family support for the elderly to visit the elderly posyandu [Integrated Service Post] in the Waena Health Center working area of Jayapura City, Papua Province. This type of research is a cross-sectional study on the elderly population in 4 Posyandu in the Waena Health Center working area as many as 356 elderly with a sample size of 78 elderly people conducted in December 2023-January 2024. Data was obtained using a questionnaire and analyzed using chi square and binary logistic regression. The results obtained factors that have a significant relationship in the elderly to the visit of the Elderly Posyandu in the Waena Health Center Working Area, Jayapura City, Papua Province emotional support (p value 0.003; RP=1.864 CI 95% (2.04-45.386), instrumental support (p value 0.000; RP=2.64 CI95% (1.54-4.52), informational support (p value 0.000; RP=2.249 CI95% (1.593-3.175) while appreciation support is not significant in the elderly to the Elderly Posyandu visit (p value 0.089; RP=1.671 CI 95% (0.91-3.07). The dominant factor of family support in the elderly on the elderly posyandu visit is instrumental support (p value 0.000; OR=9.2; CI95% (3.247 - 26.068).


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How to Cite

Makaba, M. Y. ., Medyati, N. ., & Makaba, S. . (2024). The Relationship between Family Support for Elderly and Visits to The Integrated Service Post in The Working Area of Waena Health Center, Jayapura City. East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 3(7), 2655–2674.


