The Customer Satisfaction at Hotel ABC BEKASI: The Role of Service Quality, Corporate Image, and Location


  • Diyan Putranto Hotel and Tourism Department, Saint Marry Collage, Jakarta
  • Sri Marini Akademi Pariwisata NHI Bandung
  • Adi Sopyan Hotel and Tourism Department, Saint Marry Collage, Jakarta
  • Anindita Gayatri Hotel and Tourism Department, Saint Marry Collage, Jakarta
  • Barliani Dewi Setyawati Hotel and Tourism Department, Saint Marry Collage, Jakarta
  • Banundoyo Albertus Hotel and Tourism Department, Saint Marry Collage, Jakarta



Service Quality, Company Image, Location, Customer Satisfaction


The study explores the impact of service quality, corporate image, and location on patron satisfaction at the ABC Hotel in Bekasi City. Results reveal a significant link between service quality and customer happiness, denoted by a substantial 0.550 coefficient of effect, supported by a p-value below 0.05. Similarly, corporate image wields influence, showing a p-value of 0.003, signifying its importance. Location also plays a role, with a 0.522 coefficient of effect on consumer satisfaction, backed by a p-value less than 0.05. These findings stem from a quantitative approach employing regression analysis, ensuring the accuracy of the data and statistical methods applied. Notably, service quality characteristics exhibit a strong impact on customer satisfaction, with a 0.550 coefficient of effect, while corporate image attributes influence it by 0.293 with a p-value of 0.003.


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How to Cite

Putranto, D., Marini, S., Sopyan, A. ., Gayatri, A. ., Setyawati, B. . D. ., & Albertus , B. (2023). The Customer Satisfaction at Hotel ABC BEKASI: The Role of Service Quality, Corporate Image, and Location. East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2(10), 4217–4228.

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