Implementation of the Role of Sharia Economics in the Digital Era on Sharia Fintech and E-Commerce Platforms
Islamic, Economy, Fintech, PlatformsAbstract
The digital era has instigated substantial transformations in multiple facets of society, including economics. The incessantly evolving digital technology offers both prospects and obstacles, especially with the implementation of the Islamic economy in Indonesia. This essay intends to examine the innovations and execution of the Islamic economy inside the framework of advancements in the digital age. The theoretical analysis encompasses the principles of Islamic economics, the impact of technology in the digital age, and the function of digital technology within the framework of Islamic economics. This study uses a literature review methodology to examine diverse innovations and applications within the Islamic economy. The study's findings demonstrate that Islamic fintech and partnerships with e-commerce platforms have enhanced access, transparency, and efficiency in financial transactions. Through technology advancements, the Islamic economy may develop an inclusive and sustainable economic framework that serves both people and society at large. Consequently, the integration of digital technology with the principles of Islamic economy improves efficiency and fortifies the standing of Islamic economy in the global economic arena.
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