Optimizing Gold-Pawn Decisions: The Role of Marketing Mix, E-Mas Services, and Brand Image at Bank BSI KCP Medan Adam Malik
Marketing Mix, E-Mas Services, Green Brand Image, Gold Pawn Decisions, Bank Syariah IndonesiaAbstract
This study examines the influence of the marketing mix and E-Mas services on gold pawn decisions, with brand image as an intervening variable, at Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) KCP Medan Adam Malik. Employing an associative quantitative approach, the study surveyed 154 respondents selected using Slovin's formula. Data collection involved questionnaires for primary data and documentation studies for secondary data. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using SmartPLS 3.0 was applied for analysis. The findings reveal that the marketing mix and E-Mas services positively and significantly affect brand image and gold pawn decisions. Additionally, brand image mediates their impact on gold pawn decisions. The results highlight practical strategies to improve marketing approaches and optimize digital gold pawn services to enhance customer satisfaction and decision-making.
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