The Role of Apologetics in Strengthening the Faith of Youth Against Skepticism


  • Joko Prihanto Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kharisma, Bandung
  • Novie Santoso Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kharisma, Bandung



Church, Apologetics, Parents


Adolescent development is a stage that cannot be avoided by children who develop and grow towards maturity. In this condition there is a lot of turmoil within teenagers, including in matters of faith. Many teenagers are starting to leave their faith and the church, this happens because there are not many sources containing the truth that can be found by teenagers, including parents and the church. It was found that teenagers only wanted to get answers to their doubts including evidence of the truth, they did not close themselves off to the truth. Apologetics can help teenagers answer doubts about their Christian faith. What teenagers need is guidance and direction from parents and the Church as apologists who can answer their doubts and strengthen their faith beliefs. The church can equip parents with apologetic supplies and at the same time the church can directly provide apologetics to teenagers.


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How to Cite

Joko Prihanto, & Novie Santoso. (2023). The Role of Apologetics in Strengthening the Faith of Youth Against Skepticism. Formosa Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2(8), 1473–1488.


