Exploring Filipino Junior High School Teachers' Perspectives on the Baybayin Ancient Writing System: A Case Study in Bulacan


  • Reymond Galvez Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc
  • Jaypee Paraiso Holy Spirit Academy of Malolos
  • Ramil Santos National University Philippines




Ancient Script, Baybayin, Secondary Education, Filipino Language, Writing System


This qualitative case study explores the perceptions of Filipino Junior High School Teachers in Bulacan on the Baybayin writing system. The study employs purposive sampling and data was gathered through interviews conducted. Thematic analysis is applied to examine interview transcripts and observational notes. The findings show that the instructors' understanding of the significance of Baybayin in their pedagogical strategies and their willingness to improve their command of the writing system. They appreciate the cultural importance of Baybayin and its potential as a communication tool. However, due to the lack of precise criteria and its modernity, Baybayin adoption presents difficulties. The study concludes that Baybayin exhibits remarkable adaptability and potential for integration into various aspects of culture, education, and economy.


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How to Cite

Galvez, R., Paraiso, J., & Santos, R. (2023). Exploring Filipino Junior High School Teachers’ Perspectives on the Baybayin Ancient Writing System: A Case Study in Bulacan. Formosa Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2(7), 1269–1276. https://doi.org/10.55927/fjmr.v2i7.5253


