Present Scenario of Human Rights Violation in Bangladesh


  • Mehedi Hasan Manik International Human Rights Journalist Society, Dhaka



Human Rights, Human Rights Violation, Human Rights in Bangladesh, Human Rights Violation in Bangladesh, Types of Human Rights Violation


Different national and international bodies are concerned about human rights violations in Bangladesh. The study has tried to discover the scenario of human rights in Bangladesh. Data have been collected from the National Human Rights Commission Bangladesh (NHRCB) from 2011 to 2021. Human rights violations are increasing in the country. On average, yearly, disposal and non-disposal cases are 56.7% and 43.3%, respectively, of total complaints at NHRCB. Due to human rights violations, less than 31% of incidences are filed as complaints at NHRCB, while more than 69% of events are not filed. Marder, women violence, rape, child rape, and kidnapping are the top violence types in Bangladesh. As the present government of Bangladesh is already under pressure for human rights violations, analysis based on government data may underestimate the actual scenario. So, further studies are required based on data from the non-governmental organization to get a better picture of human rights in Bangladesh.


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How to Cite

Manik, M. H. (2023). Present Scenario of Human Rights Violation in Bangladesh. Formosa Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2(7), 1261–1268.


