The Effectiveness of Sragen Regency Regional Regulation No. 8 of 2018 Concerning Tourism Implementation in Increasing Tourism Carried Out by the Local Government
Sragen Regency, Tourism, RegionAbstract
In arrange to move forward administrations for peace and ease of tourism advancement, to form a tourism commerce climate that pays consideration to devout values, traditions, and sees and values that live in society, at that point the usage of tourism in Sragen Rule has to be carried out coaching, supervision and control; that based on the arrangements of Article 23 passage (1) letter d and Article 30 letters d and letter e of Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism, the Territorial Government is obliged to oversee and control Tourism exercises in arrange to avoid and overcome different negative impacts on the more extensive community, actualize enrollment, recording and information collection on the enrollment of tourism businesses as well as controlling the usage and administration of tourism within the districts; that based on the contemplations alluded to in letters a, b and c, it is fundamental to stipulate a territorial direction concerning the organization of tourism
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ahmad Turmudi, Jumadi; Syukron Abdul Kadir; Vicki Dwi Purnomo
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