Digital Empowerment: Transformation of Women's Body Display Norms in the Age of Social Media


  • Ali Bai Wilson College of Business, University of Northern Iowa
  • Morteza Vahedian Department of Sociology, College of Humanities, University of Kashan
  • Hassan Hessari Department of Business Information Technology, Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech
  • Mohammad Bai Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran
  • Rashin Ghahreman College of Education and Human Ecology, Ohio State University
  • Hasan Piri Department of Sociology, College of Humanities, University of Kashan



Digital Empowerment, Social Media, Body display, Physical capital, Self-manifestation, Identity Construction


The increasing prominence of body display on social media has transformed how women engage with self-presentation and identity construction. This study examines the role of digital platforms, particularly Instagram, in reshaping norms surrounding body image and physical capital. Through 29 in-depth interviews, the research explores how women navigate digital spaces to express their identities, often challenging traditional societal expectations. Social media provides a unique environment where users can both display and reconfigure their physical appearance, empowering women to redefine their self-image. However, the freedom offered by these platforms also introduces challenges, such as heightened body dissatisfaction and mental health concerns, driven by the pressures of online visibility and comparison.


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How to Cite

Bai, A., Vahedian, M., Hessari, H., Bai, M., Ghahreman, R., & Piri, H. (2024). Digital Empowerment: Transformation of Women’s Body Display Norms in the Age of Social Media. Formosa Journal of Science and Technology, 3(8), 1935–1954.


