Learning Enzyme Concept through BioMan Enzymatic: An HTML Simulation Game


  • Kristoffer Paul Obispo Natural Sciences Department, College of Education, Arts, and Sciences, Gordon College




Simulation Game, Enzymatic Game, Interactive Simulation, Bioman Enzymatic


This research examined the impact of the HTML-based simulation game "BIOMAN: Enzymatic" on first-year students' grasp and retention of enzyme-related biology concepts. In the academic year 2022-2023, 70 students participated in the study. The game effectively improved student performance across three classes, evidenced by significant increases in mean scores from pre-tests to post-tests. Statistical analyses, including paired t-tests and ANOVA, confirmed the significance of these improvements, ruling out chance as the cause. These findings emphasize the value of simulation games in science education, boosting engagement, motivation, and understanding. The study encourages educators to integrate such technology into teaching, advocating for personalized learning, active methods, and ongoing innovation.


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How to Cite

Obispo, K. P. (2023). Learning Enzyme Concept through BioMan Enzymatic: An HTML Simulation Game. Formosa Journal of Science and Technology, 2(10), 2751–2760. https://doi.org/10.55927/fjst.v2i10.6471