The Theory of Marketing's Value Concept


  • Marisa Yunita Br Depari Universitas HKBP Nommensen



Marketing Definition, Marketing Category, Marketing Theory, Value in Marketing


In the context of marketing, the concept "value" is discussed in this essay. We came to the conclusion after doing a literature review that the concept of "value" needs to be treated separately within the context of marketing theory and encompasses a wide range of ideas. The analysis of how "value" is defined across the disciplines represented in the multidisciplinary marketing database provided the foundation for our conclusions. According to the report, the price is not a marketing metric for "value". The report also discusses future research aimed at the advancement and systematization of the ideas classified as "value" in marketing


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How to Cite

Marisa Yunita Br Depari. (2023). The Theory of Marketing’s Value Concept. International Journal of Asian Business and Management, 2(3), 367–374.


