Related Factors with Addition Mother's Weight During Pregnant in the Work Area Public health center Belimbing, Padang City


  • Ester Pakpahan Andalas University
  • Vaulinne Basyir Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University, Padang
  • Nur Indrawaty Lipoeto Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University , Padang
  • Masrul Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University , Padang
  • Bobby Indra Utama Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University , Padang
  • Firdawati Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University , Padang



Pregnancy, Weight Gain, Nutrition for Pregnant Women


Weight gain during pregnancy is an important indicator in predicting morbidity and mortality in babies and mothers. One important factor in pregnancy is the nutritional status of the pregnant woman which will have an impact on the mother and fetal growth. Factors related to weight gain in pregnant women cannot be separated from behavioral factors possessed by each individual. The aim of this research is to determine the factors associated with maternal weight gain during pregnancy in the Belimbing Community Health Center Working Area, Padang City. The design of this research is quantitative research, the research method used


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How to Cite

Ester Pakpahan, Vaulinne Basyir, Nur Indrawaty Lipoeto, Masrul, Bobby Indra Utama, & Firdawati. (2024). Related Factors with Addition Mother’s Weight During Pregnant in the Work Area Public health center Belimbing, Padang City. Indonesian Journal of Advanced Research, 3(2), 205–214.