Systematic Literature Review: Implementation of Talent Management for Crewing in Shipping Companies to Organizational Sustainability


  • Wenny Desty Febrian Universitas Dian Nusantara, Jakarta
  • Indra Sani ITB Asia Malang



Talent Management, Crewing, Organizational Sustainability


This article aims to provide an explanation of scientific articles the results that have been by providing a qualitative graphical picture. An organized literature review is a component of the research methodology used in this scientific article. During the literature review, a number of relevant scientific articles are selected, excavated, and reviewed. The size of the study was determined by scores using the PICO framework (population/problem, intervention, comparison). The three scientific articles that support this article provide an illustration that the existing implementation of the findings of the above article is true even though only a few articles provide a finding that is directly related to the relationship of this article result. This article provides a treasure and additional reference for other researchers and for future development can be done.


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How to Cite

Febrian, W. D., & Sani, I. (2023). Systematic Literature Review: Implementation of Talent Management for Crewing in Shipping Companies to Organizational Sustainability. Indonesian Journal of Business Analytics, 3(5), 1837–1848.