Does Access to Finance Alleviates Poverty: A Systematic Review


  • Bijendra Sharma Sikkim university
  • Akash Chaurasia Sikkim University



Financial Accessibility, Poverty Reduction, Financial Inclusion, Economic Growth


This paper aims to find out the nexus between financial accessibility or access to finance and poverty employing a systematic literature review approach. Two databases, Web of Science and EBSCO, were considered and 7 papers were shortlisted and reviewed using PRISMA guidelines for this study. The study finds out that there is a positive relationship between financial outreach or accessibility and reduction in poverty. But there is a thin relation between financial accessibility and reduction of poverty in urban areas. There is an empirical but bounded evidence between financial accessibility and welfare of households.


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How to Cite

Sharma, B., & Chaurasia, A. (2023). Does Access to Finance Alleviates Poverty: A Systematic Review. Indonesian Journal of Business Analytics, 3(5), 1957–1964.