Analisis Kritis Teologis Pada Peran Logika Dalam Tindakan Iman


  • Josep Tatang Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kharisma, Bandung
  • Victor Deak Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kharisma Bandung
  • Lilis Muljadi Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kharisma Bandung



The comprehension that faith must only rely on the heart, namely emotions, feelings and becomes so deep, that logic has nothing to do with faith. Even in some churches whose leaders have not found a connection between faith and logic, teaches that logic becomes a kind of "taboo" when they talk about faith . This is a phenomenon that occurs in many Christian communities, especially when the leaders of this church or Christian community do not yet or do not understand the relationship between logic and faith. In this case when believers take an act of faith, or they do it "recklessly", or simply out of obedience. without any basis so disappointment usually follows. The Book of James 2:17, says that "If faith is not accompanied by deeds, then faith is essentially dead." however, believers tend to ignore logic in deeds or acts of faith. This paper will explore the relationship between logic in acts of faith by gathering information about logic and actions or acts of faith, as well as by gathering opinions through interviews with several believers, both members of the congregation and workers and clergy, which will then be critically analyzed in the theological corridor


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How to Cite

Tatang, J., Deak, V., & Muljadi, L. (2023). Analisis Kritis Teologis Pada Peran Logika Dalam Tindakan Iman. Indonesian Journal of Christian Education and Theology, 2(1), 25–36.