The Influence of Service Quality, Location and Facilities on Customer Satisfaction at Habibs Beauty Botania Batam


  • Maria Galileo Batam College of Economics
  • Yossi Hendriati Galileo Batam College of Economics



Service Quality, Location, Customer Satisfaction, Facilities


This research assesses the impact of service quality, facilities, and location on customer satisfaction at Habibs Beauty Botania Batam. In this study, a quantitative method. Based on the sample in this study, there were 96 respondents. The service quality variable has no effect on customer satisfaction with a tcount value (-0.266) < t table (1.661), the location variable affects customer satisfaction with a tcount (4.011) > t table (1.661). The facility variable has no effect on customer satisfaction with a tcount value (1.619) < t table (1.661), and the variables of service quality, location, and facilities have a simultaneous and significant effect by showing the results of the calculation of Fcount (6,161) > Ftable (2,704)


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How to Cite

Maria, & Yossi Hendriati. (2024). The Influence of Service Quality, Location and Facilities on Customer Satisfaction at Habibs Beauty Botania Batam. Indonesian Journal of Economic & Management Sciences, 1(6), 843–852.