The Role of Leverage as A Mediating Influence Between Profitability and Firm Size on Firm Value


  • Herda Universitas Sultan Agung Tirtayasa
  • Tubagus Ismail Universitas Sultan Agung Tirtayasa
  • Wulan Retnowati Universitas Sultan Agung Tirtayasa



Profitability, Firm Size, Leverage, Firm Value


This research is conducted to investigate the influence of Profitability and Firm Size on Firm Value using Leverage as a variable of mediating. This research employs a quantitative approach and secondary data. The population consists of industrial sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Index Classification (BEI-IC) during the 2018-2022 period, with a sample selected using purposive random sampling, totaling 110 companies. The data is analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis The outcomes of this research are (1) Profitability gives a significant effect on Leverage. (2) Firm Size leaves out a significant effect on Leverage. (3) Profitability constructs a significant effect on Firm Value. (4) Firm Size does not have a significant effect on Firm Value. (5) Leverage has a significant effect on Firm Value. (6) Leverage works as a mediating variable between the significant influence of profitability on firm value. (7) Leverage as a mediating variable between the significant influence of firm size on firm value


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How to Cite

Herda, Tubagus Ismail, & Wulan Retnowati. (2024). The Role of Leverage as A Mediating Influence Between Profitability and Firm Size on Firm Value . Indonesian Journal of Economic & Management Sciences, 2(3), 455–470.


