International Journal of Integrative Sciences (IJIS) is an international peer-reviewed and double-blind reviewed journal published by Formosa Publisher . IJIS aims to provide a forum for review, reflection and discussion based on current and ongoing research results from a multidisciplinary perspective. IJIS encourages new ideas and works in all fields and publishes high-quality original papers, theory-based empirical papers, review papers, case reports, conference reports/papers, technology reports, book reviews, commentaries, events and news. We welcome papers from academics and practitioners on theories, business models, conceptual paradigms, academic research and consulting projects. The journal invites original papers, review articles, technical reports, and short communications that have not been published or are not being considered for publication.
IJIS has been widely indexed and listed by:
1. Google Scholar , 2 . Research Buble , 3 . Dimensions, 4 . Directory of Research Journal Indexing , 5 . CrossRef (DOI) , 6. ROOT Indexing, 7. GARUDA ,8. IUPUI Libraries , 9. Scilit, 10.Global Index For Continuing Resources, 11.Open AIRE, 12. Sherpa Romeo,13.BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) , 14. Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI), 15. Citefactor