Formulation of Nanostructured Lipid Carrier from a Mixture of Red Palm Oil and Palm Stearin


  • Abdi Redha Study Program of Integrated Plantation Product Processing, Department of Agricultural Technology, State Polytechnic of Pontianak, West Borneo
  • Saniah Study Program of Integrated Plantation Product Processing, Department of Agricultural Technology, State Polytechnic of Pontianak, West Borneo
  • Iwan Rusiardy Study Program of Integrated Plantation Product Processing, Department of Agricultural Technology, State Polytechnic of Pontianak, West Borneo
  • Muflihah Ramadhia Study Program of Integrated Plantation Product Processing, Department of Agricultural Technology, State Polytechnic of Pontianak, West Borneo
  • Mawardi Study Program of Integrated Plantation Product Processing, Department of Agricultural Technology, State Polytechnic of Pontianak, West Borneo
  • D. U. M. Susilo Study Program of Integrated Plantation Product Processing, Department of Agricultural Technology, State Polytechnic of Pontianak, West Borneo
  • Fenny Imelda Study Program of Integrated Plantation Product Processing, Department of Agricultural Technology, State Polytechnic of Pontianak, West Borneo



Β-Carotene, Nanostructured Lipid Carrier, Palm Stearin, Red Palm Oil, Tween 80


Red palm oil can be a source of beneficial ingredients in various foods due to its high total carotene level. This work examined the influence of red palm oil to palm stearin ratio on the Nanostructured Lipid Carrier's turbidity, transmittance, viscosity, β-carotene content, color lightness, and hue. For this purpose, Nanostructured Lipid Carriers were prepared by hot homogenizing red palm oil and palm stearin at several ratios (1:9, 2:8, 3:7, 4:6, and 5:5 (w/w)). According to the present investigation, the ratio of red palm oil to palm stearin primarily affected the turbidity, transmittance, viscosity, β-carotene concentration, color brightness, and hue of NLCs. Furthermore, the study found that adding red palm oil significantly raised the NLC's β-carotene content and turbidity. The ratio of red palm oil to palm stearin that produced the most stable NLC was 5:5 (w/w)


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How to Cite

Abdi Redha, Saniah, Iwan Rusiardy, Muflihah Ramadhia, Mawardi, D. U. M. Susilo, & Fenny Imelda. (2023). Formulation of Nanostructured Lipid Carrier from a Mixture of Red Palm Oil and Palm Stearin . International Journal of Integrative Sciences, 2(5), 543–552.


