The Influence of Service Quality and Price on Customer Satisfaction (CV.Herina Catering)


  • Veta Lidya Delimah Pasaribu Universitas Pamulang



Quality, Price, Service Quality


This observe pursuits to investigate the impact of high-quality and fee concurrently on CV Herina's client delight, to decide the impact of best, rate, and provider nice partially on CV Herina's patron delight, and to discover which variables maximum influence CV Herina's consumer pleasure. This take a look at uses the impartial variables service pleasant (X1), and fee (X2). The method of evaluation used a couple of linear regression analysis. The sample used on this have a look at changed into 20 respondents who have been taken randomly from customers who visited CV Herina. The statistics acquired is primary information which is the result of the respondent’s solutions to the disbursed questionnaires. The results of this look at indicate that there's a simultaneous have an effect on at the variables exceptional, rate, and provider fine on customer delight. The consequences of this look at also display variables exceptional, fee, and service high-quality partly enormous effect on customer pride. within the determination test, there's an impact of fifty four.5% of the impartial variables (quality, charge, and great of provider) at the based variable (consumer delight). The closing forty five.five% is defined by way of other variables and is not included on this regression analysis


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How to Cite

Veta Lidya Delimah Pasaribu. (2023). The Influence of Service Quality and Price on Customer Satisfaction (CV.Herina Catering). International Journal of Integrative Sciences, 2(8), 1223–1238.


