Building Leadership Skills in Educational Leadership: A Case Study of Successful School Principals


  • Osias Kit T. Kilag School Principal, Pau Excellencia Global Academy Foundation, Inc., Toledo City
  • Marsha Heyrosa-Malbas Faculty Member Graduate School, University of the Visayas, College Research Coordinator, Lapu-lapu City College
  • Durivil D. Ibañez Master Teacher II, Department of Education, Schools Division of Mandaue City
  • Gliezel A. Samson Teacher III, Department of Education, Schools Division of Cebu Province
  • John Michael Sasan School Principal, Pau Excellencia Global Academy Foundation, Inc., Toledo City



School Leadership, Collaborative Decision-Making, Relationship Building, Professional Development


This study examined the key characteristics and practices of successful school principals, as perceived by teachers, parents, and students. Four themes emerged from the data: collaborative decision-making, relationship building, continuous professional development, and visionary leadership. Successful principals were found to prioritize collaboration, involving all members of the school community in decision-making processes, and building positive relationships with staff, students, and parents. They also placed a strong emphasis on continuous professional development, both for themselves and their staff, and were able to articulate a clear vision for their school and communicate that vision effectively to all stakeholders. The study highlights the importance of effective school leadership in promoting a positive school culture and improving student achievement. The findings suggest that successful school leaders must be able to work collaboratively, build positive relationships, prioritize ongoing professional development, and articulate a clear vision for their school. These characteristics and practices can serve as a guide for aspiring and current school leaders, as well as for those involved in the recruitment and selection of school principals


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How to Cite

Osias Kit T. Kilag, Marsha Heyrosa-Malbas, Durivil D. Ibañez, Gliezel A. Samson, & John Michael Sasan. (2023). Building Leadership Skills in Educational Leadership: A Case Study of Successful School Principals. International Journal of Scientific Multidisciplinary Research, 1(8), 913–926.