Overview of Covid – 19 Vaccination Coverage in the Working Area of Karawang Health Center Sukabumi Regency Period July Year 2022


  • Ofian Ismana POLTEKKES Yapkesbi Sukabumi
  • Nurhayati POLTEKKES Yapkesbi Sukabumi
  • Linawati Handayani POLTEKKES Yapkesbi Sukabumi
  • Davi Sundari POLTEKKES Yapkesbi Sukabumi




Covid-19 Vaccine, Covid-19


High and even coverage of Covid-19 vaccination is the key to success. If the vaccination coverage is high and evenly distributed, herd immunity can be formed, and cross-protection can be created. Cross-protection is a condition in which a person still gets the benefits of protection against the risk of contracting a disease even though he is not vaccinated because he is in a community where the majority have already been vaccinated. As a result, it will reduce the virus's spread, break the transmission chain, and ultimately stop this disease




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How to Cite

Ofian Ismana, Nurhayati, Linawati Handayani, & Davi Sundari. (2023). Overview of Covid – 19 Vaccination Coverage in the Working Area of Karawang Health Center Sukabumi Regency Period July Year 2022. International Journal of Scientific Multidisciplinary Research, 1(3), 219–228. https://doi.org/10.55927/ijsmr.v1i3.3917


