The Effect of Range of Motion (ROM) Application on Muscle Strength in Elderly Stroke Sufferers at the Tresna Werdha Asisi Social Institute Sukabumi City the Year 2022


  • Hotmarida Silalahi POLTEKKES Yapkesbi Sukabumi
  • Siti Fatimah POLTEKES Yapkesbi Sukabumi
  • Lina Tri Nurjanah POLTEKES Yapkesbi Sukabumi
  • Wita Yuni Suwandi POLTEKES Yapkesbi Sukabumi



ROM, Stroke, Lansia, Muscle Strength


A stroke is a brain dysfunction that occurs suddenly due to abnormal blood circulation in the brain. An elderly is someone who has entered the age of 60 years and over. Muscle strength is the strength of a muscle or muscle group produced to fight resistance with maximum effort. Range Of Motion (ROM) is an exercise performed to maintain or improve the ability to move joints normally and completely to increase muscle mass and tone to prevent deformities, stiffness, and contractures


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How to Cite

Hotmarida Silalahi, Siti Fatimah, Lina Tri Nurjanah, & Wita Yuni Suwandi. (2023). The Effect of Range of Motion (ROM) Application on Muscle Strength in Elderly Stroke Sufferers at the Tresna Werdha Asisi Social Institute Sukabumi City the Year 2022. International Journal of Scientific Multidisciplinary Research, 1(3), 195–206.


