The Effect of E-Satisfaction and E-Trust Towards E-Loyalty on Shopee Customers in Bandar Lampung


  • Indra Wijaya Department of Management, University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung
  • Dorothy R.H, Pandjaitan Department of Management, University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung



E-Satisfaction, E-Trust, E-Loyalty, Shopee Customers, E-Commerce


This study examined the effect of E-Satisfaction and E-Trust on E-Loyalty for Shopee consumers in Bandar Lampung. A questionnaire was developed and data was collected from 160 Shopee customers. Results revealed that E-Satisfaction improves E-Trust and E-Loyalty, and that the E-Satisfaction variable significantly influences the E-Trust variable, meaning that the more consumers feel satisfied with an E-Commerce, the greater the level of consumer trust in E-Commerce. Additionally, the E-Trust variable significantly influences the E-Loyalty variable, meaning that the more consumers trust E-Commerce, the more loyal consumers will be to E-Commerce


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How to Cite

Indra Wijaya, & Dorothy R.H, Pandjaitan. (2023). The Effect of E-Satisfaction and E-Trust Towards E-Loyalty on Shopee Customers in Bandar Lampung . International Journal of Scientific Multidisciplinary Research, 1(4), 257–266.


