Toxicity Test of Moringa (Moringa Oleifera Lam) Essential Oil with the Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) Method


  • Ni Luh Putu Putri Setianingsih Food Science and Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University
  • I Wayan Sudiarta Food Science and Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University
  • A.A. Sagung Putri Risa Andriani Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University
  • Gusti Ngurah Oka Jiwantara Food Science and Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University
  • Sang Ayu Made Agung Prasetiawati Djelantik Food Science and Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University
  • Kadek Dinda Rahayu Darmawan Food Science and Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University



Moringa Oleifera, Essential Oils, Toxicity Tests, Gas-Mass Spectrometer Chromatography, Bioactive Compounds


Moringa oleifera is an herbal plant that is found in the tropics and Indonesia. Bioactive compounds in clover are found in many parts of the leaves. The study aims to test the toxicity of the essential oils of moringa leaves against the larvae of Artemia salina Leach and to find out the composition of the essential compounds of the constituents of the oil of moringa leaves using the gas-mass spectrometer chromatography method. (GS-MS). The results of the study of the essential oil on the leaves of the Moringa Oleifera Lum were toxic to the larvae of the moringa leaves, Artemia salina Leach, with an LC50 value of 178.58 ppm. GC results on moringa leaves obtained fifteen (15) peak compounds. The potential of the leaves of moringa as an herbal plant that can be a pesticide, antibacterial, and anticancer


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How to Cite

Ni Luh Putu Putri Setianingsih, I Wayan Sudiarta, A.A. Sagung Putri Risa Andriani, Gusti Ngurah Oka Jiwantara, Sang Ayu Made Agung Prasetiawati Djelantik, & Kadek Dinda Rahayu Darmawan. (2023). Toxicity Test of Moringa (Moringa Oleifera Lam) Essential Oil with the Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) Method. International Journal of Scientific Multidisciplinary Research, 1(6), 627–640.


