Effectiveness of Empowering Pregnant Women on Body Image During Pregnancy in the Working Area of Bunga Jadi Health Center


  • Eva Pebrianti Health Polytechnic East Borneo
  • Dwi Prihatin Era Health Polytechnic East Borneo
  • Cristinawati Haloho Health Polytechnic East Borneo




Body Image, Pregnant Women, Empowerment


Psychological changes in pregnant women can become a mental health problem. In Indonesia, 75% are worried about body image during pregnancy and 20% are depressed about their body shape during pregnancy. Preliminary studies at the Bunga Jadi Health Center in January-November 2022 found 371 pregnant women and initial interviews with 5 pregnant women found that they experienced disturbances in body image changes. This type of research is quasi-experimental, non-equivalent control group design. The population is all pregnant women in the working area of the Bunga Jadi Health Center for January-November 2022 a total of 371 people. Lameshow formula, so that the sample of the intervention group is pregnant women who are given empowerment of pregnant women (mental health education 2 meetings within 3 weeks, pregnancy exercise class 2 meetings within 3 weeks and use of VCO 2 times a day after bathing as much as 2 ml for each topical within 3 weeks) and the control group, namely pregnant women from regular exercise classes, each numbering 41 people


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How to Cite

Eva Pebrianti, Dwi Prihatin Era, & Cristinawati Haloho. (2023). Effectiveness of Empowering Pregnant Women on Body Image During Pregnancy in the Working Area of Bunga Jadi Health Center. International Journal of Scientific Multidisciplinary Research, 1(7), 857–866. https://doi.org/10.55927/ijsmr.v1i7.5520


