Experiences and Strategies of Talipapa Vendors in Transitioning to The New Normal


  • Patricia Denise Co University of Saint Louis
  • Erika Grizzel L. Florentino University of Saint Louis
  • John Paulo R. Gacias University of Saint Louis
  • Angelika Mae T. Maglasang University of Saint Louis
  • Nicole Shane G. Ojano University of Saint Louis
  • Karen Joy Catacutan University of Saint Louis




Experiences, Strategies, Accounting Practices, Talipapa Vendors, New Normal


This study explored the experiences, strategies, and accounting practices of talipapa vendors in Tuguegarao City during their transition to the new normal. The data were extracted by interviewing the informants using a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Three major themes were drawn, namely their experiences, strategies, and accounting practices they incorporated. The results revealed that majority of the informants had negative experiences but were able to survive using short-term strategies they implemented in their business operations and promotion or marketing, mainly targeted towards product and business innovation along with good customer service. On accounting practices, almost half the informants said they have basic accounting practices like bookkeeping and computing expenses and receivables


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How to Cite

Patricia Denise Co, Erika Grizzel L. Florentino, John Paulo R. Gacias, Angelika Mae T. Maglasang, Nicole Shane G. Ojano, & Karen Joy Catacutan. (2023). Experiences and Strategies of Talipapa Vendors in Transitioning to The New Normal. International Journal of Scientific Multidisciplinary Research, 1(10), 1239–1258. https://doi.org/10.55927/ijsmr.v1i10.6300