Function of Non-Performing Loans in the Capital Adequacy Ratio Model of the Banking Sector


  • Maya Sofa University of Persada Indonesia Y.A.I- Jakarta
  • T.Husain University of Persada Indonesia Y.A.I- Jakarta
  • Luqman Hakim University of Persada Indonesia Y.A.I- Jakarta



BOPO, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Loan to Deposit Ratio, Non-Performing Loan


Research is being done in order to address the discrepancies in the findings of earlier investigations as well as the phenomenon of non-performing loans (NPL), which cannot account for the effect it has on the CARR. As a result, the researchers used different time series and cross-sectional data in their subsequent studies. Using multiple regression analysis, this type of descriptive quantitative research examines panel data from 22 samples of banking sector firms over a seven-year period. This formula uses the research object, which are companies in the banking sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, and uses NPL as an intervening variable to maximize the CAR value. Two research models are combined in one model, and each model is subjected to the Chow Test, Hausman Test, Lagrange Multiplier Test, and model selection test stages. Findings in the first model indicate that LDR's negative connection with NPL can be used to explain its impact. These outcomes differ from the relevant theory. Similar to the first study model, where the results are not as relevant as the theory, the results in the second model are also just LDR and may directly explain its effect on CAR with a negative association. It is hoped that these findings would give banking sector managers the best possible direction


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How to Cite

Maya Sofa, T.Husain, & Luqman Hakim. (2024). Function of Non-Performing Loans in the Capital Adequacy Ratio Model of the Banking Sector. International Journal of Scientific Multidisciplinary Research, 2(3), 215–230.


