Antibacterial Activity of Naturally Occurring Compounds from Selected Plants


  • Rehan Haider University of Karachi
  • Asghar Mehdi Air University Karachi
  • Anjum Zehra University of Karachi
  • Geetha Kumari Das University Rajasthan
  • Zameer Ahmed Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi



Antibacterial Exercise,Naturally Happening Compounds,Plant-Derivative Bioactives Medicinal Plants


The abstract presents a short survey of the study fact-finding the uncontaminated endeavor of normally occurring compounds derived from selected plants. This study investigated the potential of these compounds as uncontaminated powers in the field of unrefined brand-located drug discovery. The research complicated the distillation of bioactive compounds from a variety of plant beginnings famous for their curative properties. Therefore, these compounds were assigned to decontaminating assays against a range of bacterial strains by exploiting standard microbiological methods. The results revealed meaningful decontaminating activity of various compounds, signifying their potential as open opportunities for fighting bacterial contamination. Furthermore, this study delves into the systems latent the noticed completely clean belongings, peeling light on the biochemical pathways afflicted by these easily occurring compounds. This mechanistic intuitiveness embodies our understanding of the fashion of operation of compounds, which is critical for the occurrence of mean uncontaminated therapies. Additionally, this study debates the potential requests of these everyday compounds in drug and healthcare enterprises. The uncontaminated endeavor explained by these compounds desires their application for further growth and optimization, concreting the habit for novel healing mediations in the battle against bacterial contamination


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How to Cite

Rehan Haider, Asghar Mehdi, Anjum Zehra, Geetha Kumari Das, & Zameer Ahmed. (2024). Antibacterial Activity of Naturally Occurring Compounds from Selected Plants. International Journal of Scientific Multidisciplinary Research, 2(4), 337–362.


