Drug Development Research in Women


  • Rehan Haider University of Karachi
  • Asghar Mehdi Fazaia Ruth Pfau Medical College Air University Karachi
  • Anjum Zehra University of Karachi
  • Geetha Kumari Das GD Pharmaceutical Inc OPJS University Rajasthan
  • Zameer Ahmed Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi
  • Sambreen Zameer Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi




Drugg development, Women, Clinical Trials, Gender Difference, Safety, Efficacy


Drug research in wives is a critical district that has acquired growing consideration in recent ages. Historically, mothers have diminished in clinical tests, chief to a lack of understanding about in what way or manner drugs influence them otherwise distinguished to brothers. This information gap has important associations for drug security and efficiency, as physiological dissimilarities between genders can impact drug absorption, productiveness, and adverse belongings. In answer, skilled has existed a growing importance on containing girls in dispassionate trials and attending grammar principles that apply to nouns with sexual or animated connotations reasonings to guarantee that drugs are safe and persuasive for two together people interested in something. This paper provides an overview of the significance of containing mothers in drug-producing research. It discusses the classical circumstances of feminine bias in dispassionate trials and the supervisory changes that have been executed to address this issue. The paper again highlights the corporeal and hormonal distinctnesses middle from two points people that can influence drug responses. Furthermore, the paper tries to the challenges and space in drafting and maintaining women in dispassionate tests, containing righteous considerations and educational determinants


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How to Cite

Rehan Haider, Asghar Mehdi, Anjum Zehra, Geetha Kumari Das, Zameer Ahmed, & Sambreen Zameer. (2024). Drug Development Research in Women. International Journal of Scientific Multidisciplinary Research, 2(5), 415–440. https://doi.org/10.55927/ijsmr.v2i5.8807


