Journal of Educational Analytics (JEDA) is a peer review and open-access journal that provides an international platform for disseminating research results and review articles in the field of education. This Journal is published four time per year at February, May, August and November by Formosa Publisher. It is aimed to publish original and contemprorary articles on the latest issues and trends occurring in education curriculum, instruction, learning, policy, and preparation of teachers with the aim to advance our knowledge of education theory and practice. All submitted manuscripts will be initially reviewed by editors and are then evaluated by a minimum of two reviewers through the blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of the published manuscripts in the journal.
Journal of Educational Analytics (JEDA) has been widely indexed and listed by:
1. Google Scholar, 2. PKP Index, 3. Dimensions , 4. Directory of Research Journals Indexing , 5. CrossRef (DOI), 6. Indonesia OneSearch ,7. Scilit , 8. Research Bible , 9. BASE (bielefeld academic search engine) , 10. COPERNICUS INTERNATIONAL (ICI VALUE 2022: 65.14), 11.GARUDA , 12. IUPUI Libraries 13. CiteFactor 14. Eurasian Scientific Journal Index 15. Global Index for Continuing Resources 16. Sherpa/Romeo
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Complete indexing and libraries information can be checked: https://journal.formosapublisher.org/index.php/jeda/Indexing |