Forthcoming Article

Vol 3 No 1

1. Lecturers' and Students' Perspectives on The Importance of Sustainability Accounting in The Accounting Learning Curriculum

Outhors : Lintang Suminar, Helianti Utami, Nurika Restuningdiah

2. Respon Siswa/I Kelas Vi Sd Negeri 040538 Sampun Terhadap Pebelajaran Matematika Mengenai Jaring-Jaring Bangun Ruang

Outhors : Alfajra Muliaty Puteri Zein, Nanda Br Sembiring, Tri Dina Kandi Yangel Ruth, Anastasia Simatupang

3. Consistency, Cohesion, and Harmony in the Holy Qur’an and the Noble Prophet’s Sunnah

outhors : Sohila Ahmad Esmatt

4. Early Islamic Educational Institutions in Islamic Educational Science

outhors : Lamis Ahmad Esmat, Nurhakim, Faridi

5. Needs Analysis of Ethnoscience-Based Digital Teaching Materials for Grade IV Elementary School Students

Outhors : Yulistina Nur DS, Achmad Hufad, Suroso Mukti Leksono, Sinta Maria Dewi, Tia Latifatusadiah