Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Holistik (JIPH) is a national journal that focuses on the development of holistic education in Indonesia. The focus of the JIPH journal is the field of education in general, such as the fields of educational research in teaching, learning and teaching, curriculum development, learning environment, teacher education, educational technology, and educational development. The JIPH journal publishes articles 4 times a year, in January, April, August, and December.
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Holistik (JIPH) has been widely indexed by:
1. Google Scholar, 2. PKP Index, 3. Dimensions, 6. Directory of Research Journals Indexing, 7. CrossRef (DOI), 6. IUPUI Libraries, 7. Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, 8. Researchbib, 9. ROOT INDEXING, 10. WorldCat, 11. Semantic Scholar 12. Indonesia OneSearch 13. Base (Bielefeld academic search engine), 14. GARUDA 15. Scilit 16. Global Index for Continuing Resources 17. Russell Sage College Libraries 18. SHERPA/Romeo 19. Citefactor
Journal Directories and Listings:
1. Copernicus International (ICI World of Journals)
Other Libraries:
Complete indexing and libraries information can be checked: https://journal.formosapublisher.org/index.php/jiph/Indexing |