Analysis Of Direct Medical Costs In Hemodialysis Patients
Cost, Hemodalys, CKDAbstract
Hemodialysis is a costly and lifelong treatment. The objective of this study is to ascertain the overall expenses associated with therapy for outpatient chronic kidney failure patients undergoing hemodialysis, from the standpoint of a hospital. Additionally, the study aims to identify any notable disparities between the actual therapy costs and the rates provided by INA-CBG for hemodialysis patients. The present study employs a non-experimental analytical approach, utilising a cross-sectional research methodology. The retrospective collection of data was conducted using the medical records of National Health Insurance (JKN). The hospital perspective indicates that the direct medical costs associated with hemodialysis for 69 outpatient patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) for the period of October to December amount to IDR 70,129,389.00. A notable disparity exists between the actual expenses and the INA-CBG package rates for chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients receiving hemodialysis at N-3-15-0.
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