Verbal Aggression of Social Media Users Among Adolescents in Terms of Loneliness and Self-Control
Adolescents, Loneliness, Self-Control, Social Media, Verbal AggressionAbstract
Verbal aggression refers to the act of attacking others through hurtful words or communication. Various factors can contribute to verbal aggression, including loneliness and self-control. This study aims to explore the connection between loneliness, self-control, and verbal aggression among social media users. Using a quantitative approach with a survey method, the research targets students of SMK Negeri 1 Tambusai, encompassing a total population of 724 students. A purposive sampling technique was applied to select participants. Data were gathered using measurement scales for verbal aggression, loneliness, and self-control. The analysis was conducted using multiple regression techniques with SPSS version 25. The findings from the analysis revealed an F value of 145.137 with a significance level of 0.000 (p<0.05). These results indicate that loneliness and self-control have a significant influence on verbal aggression among adolescent social media users.
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