The Relationship Between School Well-Being with Online Learning Motivation During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Psychology Students


  • Aphroditha Salsabilla Renjaan Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Negeri Makassar
  • Eva Maizara Puspita Dewi Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Negeri Makassar
  • Nur Akmal Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Negeri Makassar



Learning Motivation, Online Learning, School Well-Being


The role of school well-being and learning motivation is one of the factors that become success in the application of online learning. This study aims to find out how the relationship between school well-being with learning motivation in online learning. This research involved 325 students of the Faculty of Psychology, Makassar State University. This study used a simple random sampling technique to select samples from the population. The data obtained are analyzed using product moment analysis techniques. The results of the study found a positive and significant relationship between school well-being and learning motivation (r = 0.507; p = 0.000). Other findings in the study showed that by gender there was no significant difference in learning motivation score outcomes, and there were significant differences in school well-being outcomes. The results of this study show a fairly strong level of correlation, so that the higher the school well-being experienced by active students of the Faculty of Psychology, Makassar State University, the higher the level of learning motivation during students


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How to Cite

Aphroditha Salsabilla Renjaan, Dewi, E. M. P. ., & Nur Akmal. (2023). The Relationship Between School Well-Being with Online Learning Motivation During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Psychology Students. Jurnal Multidisiplin Madani, 3(11), 2183–2191.